Protect Me from Radiation is a magazine issued on the international radiology day (8th of November). The first issue of the magazine was published in 2018. It is specialized in the field of radiation protection. The magazine targets specialists in the field of radiation and those interested in it.


• Radiation exposure.
• Flights and radiation dose.
• Radiation and radioactive materials: disease and medicine.
• Ultraviolet radiation and the dangers associated with it.
• Frequently asked questions about:
o Lead apron.
o The dangers of working in the radiological field.
o The type of rays used in airport inspections.
o How dangerous exposure to X-rays is to the health of the fetus.
• Devices used for detection of radiation.
• Radiation phobia.
• Applications of radiation in industry
• Radiation therapy.
• Patients’ fears of radiology.
• Nuclear radiation between frightening and reassurance.
• Radiation protection and the Corona virus crisis.