اختبار: الحماية من الأشعة A multiple-choice quiz consists of: 10 QuestionsQuestions are selected randomly from a collection of 40 questions. More Questions You will get deferent questions every time you take the quiz. Correct AnswersThere could be more than one correct answer, select all that apply.Skip QuestionsYou are allowed to scroll backward and forward before submitting your answers.10 MinutesThe quiz has a time limit. Time's up You can still submit your answers after the allowed period of time has ended . When ready, click Next to start the quiz. Name (Required) Email (Optional) Twitter (Optional) 1. Which of the following is the critical organ for Tc99m MDP Medronate? Bladder. Thyroid. Kidney. Spleen. None 2. Which of the following is the safest time for a woman to have a nuclear medicine procedure, according to the 10 day-rule? Last 10 days of each month. 10 days after beginning of menses. 10 days before beginning of menses. First 10 days of each month. None 3. A radiopharmaceutical spilled on the floor. Which of the following is the best management? Contact the Housekeeping Department to arrange for cleaning Dispense a chelating solution to control contamination Contact the radiation safety officer to arrange for cleaning Cover the area with absorbent paper and restrict access None 4. Which of the following are the 3 cardinal elements considered for radiation protection? Kilovoltage, distance and shielding Time, kilovoltage and milliampere Collimation, filtration and grid Time, distance and shielding None 5. Pregnant radiographer requires a special radiation protection dose for the safety of the foetus. Which of the following is the dose limit during the gestation period? 500 mrem. 100 mrem. 50 mrem. 1000 mrem None 6. Which of the following is a source of background radiation? Cobalt radiotherapy units. Diagnostic radioactive nuclides. Natural radioactive materials. Medical radiography units. None 7. Measurement of radioactive materials present inside a person’s body through analysis of the person’s blood, urine, feces, or sweat is called: Bioassay Radioconcentration Biodosimetry Biodistribution None 8. The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NRCP) has recommended an equivalent dose during the length of the pregnancy for an imaging professional. Which of the following is the most likely dose? 50 mSv 0.5 mSv 25 mSv 5.0 mSv None 9. An individual responsible for the daily implementation of the radiation safety program in accordance with directives from the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), license provisions, and regulatory requirements is named: Nuclear Medicine Physician Senior Technologist Chief Executive Officer (CEO) The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) None 10. Hydration and voiding following a bone scan are mandatory. Which of the following is the most likely significance? Minimizes the radiation dose to the bladder. Minimizes urine contamination. Provides excellent quality image. Prevents the uptake of technetium by the Stomach. None 1 out of 10 Time's upTime is Up! بواسطة ناصر المطيري|2021-09-20T14:26:56+03:00أبريل 15th, 2021|السلامة من الإشعاع|لا توجد تعليقات شارك هذه الصفحة, واترك رأيك حول الموضوع باستخدام وسيلة التواصل التي تناسبك FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppPinterestEmail عن: ناصر المطيري كبير أخصائيي الطب النووي في مستشفى حفر الباطن المركزي و مؤسس موقع نيوكليرمد. منشورات متعلقة اختبار: وحدات و كميات الأشعة الأساسية اختبار: وحدات و كميات الأشعة الأساسية أبريل 15th, 2021 | لا توجد تعليقات اترك تعليقاًCancel reply
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