اختبار: العلاج بالنظائر المشعة A multiple-choice quiz consists of: 10 QuestionsQuestions are selected randomly from a collection of 17 questions. More Questions You will get deferent questions every time you take the quiz. Correct AnswersThere could be more than one correct answer, select all that apply.Skip QuestionsYou are allowed to scroll backward and forward before submitting your answers.10 MinutesThe quiz has a time limit. Time's up You can still submit your answers after the allowed period of time has ended . When ready, click Next to start the quiz. Name (Required) Email (Optional) Twitter (Optional) 1. Transient increase in tracer uptake in responding metastases in the early months after chemotherapy/hormone therapy for breast and prostate cancer is called: Flare scan. Super phenomenon. Super scan. Flare phenomenon. None 2. The hematologic toxicity of Y-90 Zevalin therapy is common. All of the following can be a sign of hematologic toxicity EXCEPT: Anemia Arrhythmia Bruising Fever None 3. All breastfeeding women undergoing I-131 therapy should be asked to stop breastfeeding and therapy is delayed until lactation ceases. According to the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) procedure guidelines, the patient may resume breastfeeding: After 6 months. Never. After 3 months. With the birth of another child. None 4. Samarium-153 (Quadramet) is a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical used to treat: Pain in bony metastases Medullary thyroid carcinoma Polycythemia vera Dyspnea in lung Ca None 5. The general pretreatment requirements for adult qualifying for therapy with I-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) include the following EXCEPT: Performing pulmonary function tests A diagnostic MIBG scan or previous posttreatment I-131 MIBG scan Blocking thyroid uptake of free radioiodine Reviewing potential interfering medications None 6. To reduce radiation exposure to the patient undergoing radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment, all of the following recommendations will be helpful EXCEPT: Patient should use antiperspirant medications Patient laxatives Patient should urinate frequently Patient should be well hydrated None 7. The form of targeted radionuclide therapy that uses a monoclonal antibody to deliver localized radiation is called: Radiochemotherapy. Radioimmunotherapy. Antibody therapy. Radiation therapy. None 8. Which of the following time is advised for patients treated with 1-131 to delay conception after treatment? 2 months 4 months 6 months 1 month None 9. According to the Society of Nuclear Medicine “SNM Procedure Guideline for Therapy of Thyroid Disease with I-131 (Sodium Iodide),” typically administered activity for treatment of presumed thyroid cancer in the neck or mediastinal lymph nodes is in the range: 50–100 mCi. 100–150 mCi. 200–250 mCi. 150–200 mCi. None 10. A lone “cold” nodule in an otherwise normal thyroid gland warrants: Radiation therapy. Surgical removal. Fine needle aspiration biopsy. Chemotherapy. None 1 out of 10 Time's upTime is Up! By ناصر المطيري|2021-09-20T14:25:06+03:00أبريل 26th, 2021|العلاج بالنظائر المشعة|0 Comments شارك هذه الصفحة, واترك رأيك حول الموضوع باستخدام وسيلة التواصل التي تناسبك FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppPinterestEmail عن: ناصر المطيري كبير أخصائيي الطب النووي في مستشفى حفر الباطن المركزي و مؤسس موقع نيوكليرمد. اترك تعليقاًCancel reply
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