اختبار: فيزياء الطب النووي A multiple-choice quiz consists of: 10 QuestionsQuestions are selected randomly from a collection of 20 questions. More Questions You will get deferent questions every time you take the quiz. Correct AnswersThere could be more than one correct answer, select all that apply.Skip QuestionsYou are allowed to scroll backward and forward before submitting your answers.10 MinutesThe quiz has a time limit. Time's up You can still submit your answers after the allowed period of time has ended . When ready, click Next to start the quiz. Name (Required) Email (Optional) Twitter (Optional) 1. Which of the following sentences correctly describes a positron? A particle having a mass equal to the proton but opposite charge A particle having a mass equal to the electron but opposite charge A particle having a mass equal to the proton and no charge A particle having a mass equal to the electron and no charge None 2. An alpha particle is identical to the nucleus of a helium atom. Alpha particles: Travel unlimited distances Are smaller than beta particles Are not charged Are used for radionuclide therapy None 3. An atom with an unstable nucleus is called a: Radiopharmaceutical Radiochemical Radionuclide Radio wave None 4. Which of the following is the half-life? Time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei to increase by a factor of two. Decay constant multiplied by the natural logarithm of two. Reciprocal of the decay constant. Time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei to decrease by a factor of two. None 5. Basic algorithms for reconstruction of tomographic images from projection figures include two analytic techniques known as: Filtered backprojection and volume rendering techniques Filtered backprojection and iterative techniques Filtering and volume rendering techniques Inverse Fourier transform and filtering techniques None 6. Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting ionizing radiation. The emission is described as spontaneous meaning: The nucleus decays without collision with another particle or atom The nucleus decays without collision with shielding material The nucleus decays after collision with another particle or atom The nucleus decays after collision with shielding material None 7. One of two or more different nuclides having the same mass number is called: Isobar Isotope Isomer Isotone None 8. Image representation of raw data obtained from projections of the object for image reconstruction is called: Star artifact Sinogram Blank scan Uniformity projections None 9. Technetium-99m and Technetium-99 are: Isomers Isotones Isobars Isotopes None 10. If the sample volume of a given activity is increased, the counting efficiency of the well counter will: Approach 0 Not change Decrease Increase None 1 out of 10 Time's upTime is Up! By ناصر المطيري|2021-09-20T14:26:04+03:00أبريل 15th, 2021|معلومات عامة|0 Comments شارك هذه الصفحة, واترك رأيك حول الموضوع باستخدام وسيلة التواصل التي تناسبك FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppPinterestEmail عن: ناصر المطيري كبير أخصائيي الطب النووي في مستشفى حفر الباطن المركزي و مؤسس موقع نيوكليرمد. Related Posts اختبار: أساسيات الطب النووي اختبار: أساسيات الطب النووي أبريل 15th, 2021 | 0 Comments اختبار: رعاية المريض اختبار: رعاية المريض مارس 10th, 2021 | 0 Comments اختبار: الصيدلة النووية اختبار: الصيدلة النووية مارس 10th, 2021 | 0 Comments اختبار: الإختصارات والمصطلحات الطبية اختبار: الإختصارات والمصطلحات الطبية مارس 8th, 2021 | 0 Comments اترك تعليقاًCancel reply
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